
Safeguarding within the Young Christian Workers (YCW) is of paramount importance and the YCW is dedicated to promoting the safeguarding of all children and adults at risk within its community. The YCW aims to proactively embed a culture of safeguarding to prevent abuse occurring in the first instance and to provide support to individuals who have been hurt by abuse, and take the necessary actions to reduce the likelihood of further harm. Safeguarding staff within the YCW liaise closely with statutory agencies and Catholic Diocesan Safeguarding Officers across England & Wales to ensure that any allegations of abuse are promptly and thoroughly investigated and where appropriate, survivors supported and perpetrators held to account.

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is described as:-

  • The process of protecting children from abuse or neglect, preventing impairment of their health and development, and ensuring they are growing up in circumstances to have optimum life chances and enter adulthood successfully… Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.

The definition of Safeguarding adults at risk is described as:-

  • Action to prevent abuse or to protect persons thought to be at risk of abuse or neglect or poor standards of care by any other person or persons that violates their human and civil rights.

The Catholic Church acknowledges the value of every human life and promotes the duty to support all people and protect them from harm. Safeguarding is an essential element of the Catholic Church required to fulfil the mission and calling given by Christ to value every human life. Following the publication of The Nolan report in 2001, the YCW has implemented robust Safeguarding policies and procedures regarding the protection of children and adults at risk, which places paramount importance upon the welfare of the alleged victim.

The YCW recognises its responsibility in safeguarding the personal dignity and rights of all vulnerable people and is committed to taking all appropriate steps to maintain a safe environment and to liaise with statutory agencies and Catholic Diocesan Safeguarding Officers across England & Wales to ensure that any allegations of abuse are promptly and properly investigated and where appropriate, survivors supported and perpetrators held to account.

You cannot legally call yourself a YCW/IMPACT! group without registering with HQ. If you are not a registered group and would like to do so please contact the HQ at 0161 8726017 or email at

Responding to a Safeguarding Concern

CEOP - the Child Exploitation Online Protection website

CEOP - the Child Exploitation Online Protection website


Designated Safeguarding Lead:

Chair of Trustees

YCW Safeguarding Policy

For further forms and resources please visit the “Forms and Resources” Page within the safeguarding section. Or by clicking here.